Editorial Team

Jun 5, 20181 min

Welcoming Brock Jones to Robson Crim Team

Summer begins to beckon as we enter the slower season of blawgs! That can only mean one thing - the latest edition of the Manitoba Law Journal, Robson Crim Edition is about to get busy! We have accepted two volumes worth of material after double blind peer review and are aiming for a Fall release. However, that means, our team will turn its attention for two months to getting the special edition ready for publication. Notwithstanding this pause, our team continues to grow. We are excited to add Brock Jones to our team. His work with youth justice, and his place of prominence in the Ontario Bar bring a perspective and approach to analyzing issues of justice that will inform readers. Welcome!!!

Brock Jones, B.A. (Queen’s) 2000, M.A. (Toronto) 2001, J.D. (Toronto) 2004, was called to the Ontario Bar in 2005. After graduating from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Brock served as a law clerk to the chief justice of the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto. In 2006, he joined the Scarborough Crown Attorney’s office and acted as director of its youth justice team. He has prosecuted all manner of youth cases in both the Ontario and Superior Courts of Justice, and has argued several youth justice appeals before the Ontario Court of Appeal.

In 2016, Brock was awarded the Ontario Bar Association’s Heather McArthur Memorial Award for his contributions to the profession. He is also the author of Prosecuting and Defending Youth Criminal Justice Cases, from Emond Publishing.
