Social Suppliers & Real Dealers: Incorporating Social Supply in Drug Law in Canada- SARAH FERENCZ
Social drug supply is non-commercial drug supplying, or sharing, among friends and acquaintances for little to no profit. Given the...

The Privacy Paradox: Marakah, Mills, & the Diminished Protections of Section 8 by MICHELLE BIDDULPH
The Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in R v Marakah is a landmark decision under section 8 of the Charter, as it extended...

Moms in Prison: The Impact of Maternal Incarceration on Women and Children by KATY STACK
This article examines the impact of maternal incarceration on women and children in a case-study format. The author’s former clients...

The SCC’s Justification of Charter Breaches & Effects on Black & Indigenous Communities by E. KAKA
Throughout my time in law school, I noticed that the criminal cases covered in my courses very rarely adequately dealt with how racism...

​The Criminalization of Non-Assimilation & Property Rights in the Canadian Prairies by LAUREN SAPIC
The tragic case of Colten Boushie, a young Indigenous man from Saskatchewan, has become an inflexion point in Canadian law due to the...