Privacy in Peril: A Lack of Clarity from the Courts - Seth Lozinski
Jurisprudential Approach to Searches Incident to Arrest: In analysing searches incident to arrest, the courts must balance public safety...

R. v. Stairs and our Imperiled Privacy - Matt Reimer
It has been a bumpy road for individual privacy rights in recent years. Ever since Hunter v. Southam [“Hunter”], intrusive...

Exigent Circumstances: The Demand for Fiercer Protection of Privacy Interests - Brittney Macht
Introduction Privacy and Peril: Hunter v Southam and the Drift from Reasonable Search Protections (“Privacy in Peril”) provides readers a...

Modifications to the Standard for Warrantless Searches Incident to Arrest - Anonymous
A decision coming from the Supreme Court of Canada decided just last week, R. v. Stairs, 2022 SCC 11, has had the effect of modifying the...

Howling for Justice: Evaluating Police Searches and the Sniffer-Dog in Canada - Robert Johnstone
Matters of personal privacy are heavily impacted through proceedings detailing the continual struggle between efficient law enforcement...