Further Research is Needed to Determine What Impact PTSD has on a Police Officer's Ability to Serve
Written by Nikki Boggs There are several distinguishing characteristics of police work compared to someone, say in construction, an...

R v Gessen: Stripping the Police of Harmful Systemic Practices - Bruna Maciel
Introduction The Manitoba Court of King’s Bench recently released a decision that reveals to any police enforcement skeptics that...

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Residency Requirement for Winnipeg Police Officers -Brittney Macht
Introductory Thoughts A home is a place that provides an individual a safe, connected space to come back to at the end of a long day. As...

A Strict Approach to the Procurement of Child Sexual Exploitation in Manitoba - Noah Lesiuk
Slamming the Gavel on Child Sexual Exploitation In a recent Manitoba Court of Appeal (MBCA) case, R v Alcorn, the MBCA set out a fresh...

Privacy in Peril: A Lack of Clarity from the Courts - Seth Lozinski
Jurisprudential Approach to Searches Incident to Arrest: In analysing searches incident to arrest, the courts must balance public safety...