Sexual Offences: Actus Reus, Consent, and Procedural Inefficiencies - Megan Simpson
Sexual assault is among the most polarizing topics in criminal law, with many voicing concerns that certain social factors can unfairly...
R v Kirkpatrick 2022 SCC 33 case analysis: consent to sexual activity and condom use by Alanah Josey
Alanah Josey Associate Lawyer - Presse Mason Barristers and Solicitors August 3, 2022 The majority opinion in R v Kirkpatrick 2022 SCC 33...
Clarity on Capacity to Consent: What We’ve Been Needing All Along - Ashley Rees
For what seems to be a painfully simple concept, there seems to be a substantial amount of societal confusion around the issue of consent...
Consent: How the Growing Issue of Stealthing Needs to be Addressed - Jamie Robertson
Case and Relevant Criminal Code Section Discussion The case of R v Kirkpatrick (“Kirkpatrick”) concerns an issue that is important to...
Authority Figures & Evidence of Inducement in Sexual Assault Cases: Snelgrove-by Katie MacDermaid
Authority Figures and Evidence of Inducement in Sexual Assault Cases: A Commentary on R v Snelgrove [2018 NLCA 59] by Katie MacDermaid...