Welcome Robert Diab and Ruby Dhand to Robsoncrim
At Robsoncrim.com our research team just grew and became stronger yet again! We are committed to interdisciplinary and collaborative work in the broad areas of criminal law, justice, national security and mental health. We are proud to collaborate across institutions and the world to bring a broad range of perspectives to you. We are pleased to welcome Robert Diab and Ruby Dhand.
Dr. Robert Diab is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at Thompson Rivers University and holds a PhD in law from the University of British Columbia. He works in the areas national security, human rights, and legal theory. His publications include “The Harbinger Theory: How the Post-9/11 Emergency Became Permanent and the Case for Reform” (Oxford University Press, 2015) and “Guantanamo North: Terrorism and the Administration of Justice in Canada” (Fernwood, 2008). Robert is also a co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law.

Dr. Ruby Dhand is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at Thompson Rivers University and has an MA from Carleton University, an LLB from the University of Ottawa, an LLM from the University of Toronto, and a PhD from Osgoode Hall Law School. She is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada (the Ontario Bar). She has been awarded the CIHR Fellowship and the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship, along with multiple Law Foundation Awards. Dr. Dhand has worked as a human rights lawyer, specializing in disability law in Ontario. In particular, she has advocated on behalf of people with mental health disabilities and on behalf of sexual assault victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Her expertise extends to disability law, health law and diversity issues in the law.